Working With FOSS, Part 2

To continue on from my last post I will go over three more artifacts related to Atom.


Working With FOSS, Part 1

As part of assignment 2 in Cmpt395 I have been tasked with finding and working with, in some way, an open source project. When I read about this assignment I was quite excited as I’ve been wanting to get involved with FOSS for a while now. What has always stopped me in the past was usually one of two things; I didn’t think a project interested me enough, or that I wasn’t a good enough developer to contribute anything useful. Well, with the push this assignment has given me I suppose I no longer have any excuses holding me back. So that is why I have chosen to dive into Atom, the open source text editor from GitHub, as my first open source project.


Scatter Plot in D3

For my first tutorial we are going to go through the process of making an updatable scatter plot in D3. By the end of the post you should have an understanding of how to add arbitrary data points to the chart, as well as smoothly transition them as data is changed or updated. This is the first of what will hopefully be a series of D3 tutorials. Lets get started.


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